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Millipedes and centipedes are similar pests. Though they may be unusually repulsive, they are not a major threat to people or animals.
Centipedes in the south tend to be the largest. They can grow up to six inches in length. A centipede can be easily distinguished from a millipede because it has fewer legs; specifically, one set for every segment of its body. Millipedes have two sets of legs for every segment, and when they move, their legs appear to be moving in a wave-like motion. A millipede’s legs are also shorter and, in general, a millipede cannot move very fast. A centipede, with its fewer legs, can travel considerably faster.
Several types of beetles feed on wood. This can cause a lot of damage to wood structures primarily because while the wood is being eaten, the beetles remain unseen. This is true of Powder Post Beetles, Old House Borer Beetles, Bark Beetles, Citrus Long-Horned Beetles, Asian beetles, and other species. Powder Post Beetles grow from eggs that are laid in the wood. Another species of beetle, the Citrus Long-Horned Beetle, was introduced into the United States as recently as 1999, and is currently without any natural enemies. The damage these beetles will create is expected to be extensive.
Both centipedes and millipedes are generally hatched from eggs, but some varieties are born live. Some centipedes may live as long as six years.
Centipedes actually have the ability to bite, and are poisonous. The poison from their fangs, located behind the head, is used to kill insects, which are their primary food. To a human, a bite feels like that of a bee sting, and can be dangerous, especially if there is an allergic reaction in response to the bite. Children will be more sensitive to a centipede’s bite.
Millipedes are not poisonous and do not have fangs, but they can emit an obnoxious fluid to defend themselves. Some varieties can spray this fluid several inches. The fluid can cause irritation to the skin in some people and should be removed right away. Additionally, it may take some scrubbing to get rid of the odor.
Millipedes feed on decaying plant matter and sometimes living plant roots. Millipedes can damage those roots if there are too many of the pests in the soil. Some varieties are known to be especially bothersome to greenhouse plants. If this occurs, you may need to contact ARAB Termite & Pest Control to control your millipede infestation.
House centipedes are an indoor variety. They can move quickly and do not require the moisture that the other varieties need. The most likely time of year to see centipedes in your home is in the spring or fall. They can seem beneficial because they feed on small insects such as cockroaches, silverfish, and other common household pests, a house centipede infestation can grow quickly. ARAB termite & Pest Control will customize a service plan protecting your home or business year round.
Don’t risk termite damage to your home. Contact ARAB Termite & Pest Control immediately if you suspect an infestation, or if you would like to schedule regular visits as a preventative measure. You and your home will be the better for it.
We proudly serve a wide array of communities in Illinois. Our service areas include:
1015 Willow St. Effingham, IL 62401
(217) 342 - 5555
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